The Appraisal Clause
The Appraisal Clause of the insurance policy is becoming a frequently utilized method by the insured(s), public adjusters and attorneys. You need to have someone on your side that has experience with the Appraisal Clause process.
T. Barrett & Associates is the partner you need when the insurance company is put on notice that the Demand for Appraisal has been invoked.
We provide competent Appraisers experienced in the navigation of the Appraisal Claim process. You will have an appraiser who is knowledgeable about the insurance policy, will review all prior documentation and inspect the loss site. The Appraiser will negotiate with the opposing Appraiser and attempt to come to an agreement. The Appraiser will prepare a final report package detailing the Appraisal process and negotiated settlement.
T. Barrett & Associates is equally prepared to act as Umpire in the Appraisal Clause process. The Umpire will have experience in the Appraisal Clause process, good communication skills and the knowledge to recommend a fair and unbiased settlement in any dispute.